Glasgow Hebrew Burial Society

Charity Number SCO14704


Welcome to the Home Page of The Glasgow Hebrew Burial Society. This Web Site has been designed to provide useful information and advice about the Society, and the organisation of Burials and Tombstones.

Moreover, there is a comprehensive search facility, to provide the details of some 11,000 graves which exist at our three cemeteries along with a photographic record of the Tombstone if in existence.

We hope you find this facility helpful and if you do, we would kindly ask you to make a donation towards the general upkeep of the grounds and to help in providing tombstones for the numerous unmarked graves. Furthermore we have now launched our Glasgow Jewish Cemetery Restoration Project, details available by clicking on the Appeal link below, please support this very worthwhile Project.

All donations are gratefully received and can be made anonymously or publicly.

Derek M. Tobias BSc
(April 2015)

Please consider us in your Will - Click here to download Codicil Form and Guidance notes.